"With my gypsy ancestress and my weird luck..."
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2005-03-16 - 2:21 p.m.

Let it be known that I have a cool mother. In her mid 50's now, I'm hoping that someday I'll be able to keep up with her.

For her most recent epic adventure, she and her husband are biking the perimeter of the United States. Yes, that's right, all 12,000 miles of border around the country...on a bicycle. They are starting from Southern California this morning. They are estimating that this trip will take them a year to complete.

I set up a blog for her, so we can all watch their progress around the states and cheer them on. Visit at http://www.livejournal.com/users/kkyanne/

She's an animal. And you guys wonder where I get it from...

anterior - posterior

Sliding into second gear - 2005-06-05
Vibeke M Larsen - 2005-05-18
All alone in a railway station... - 2005-04-09
Honor Among Theives...And Janitors - 2005-03-30
On not relating to Christianity... - 2005-03-27
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